Sunday, September 25, 2011

Photo Challenge/People's Choice

I hope you like it.  Hayley is a beauty.

Follow other entries

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Where I Stand

Big Picture Classes

My assignment in an online class was to create an image with the inspiration "Where I Stand"... God's Word kept coming to mind. That's where I stand. Everywhere else seems less important as I search to find the right illustration yet creative. The Bible is our guide, a letter to us, instruction, God inspired and could we not want to receive it, take it all in... stand firm upon it?

My online classmates are very good artsy creative people with great ideas. Yes, some dreadfully boring but extremely creative and necessary standing positions.  Sometimes where we stand is boring but it is still something we have to do or where we have to be. Like dishes for instance. I really hate doing dishes....always have even as a kid. They still had to get done so there I stood at the kitchen sink doing as I was told. Grrrrrrr...:)

Tell me where you stand!

1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.

School Started???

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's Harvest Time

Big Picture Classes Since all of your are such supportive friends and family I thought I share that I'm taking a few online classes to better my photography skills. i will be adding images to my blog weekly as I am inspired. Don't you just love this photo of the coffee cup. Oh so inviting.

It's harvest time in Lodi. I just love grapes and how I have an abundance of vineyards to choose from to shoot grapes.  Here is my favorite from today.